NIBIRU: webisodes #3 and #4
The third in a series of webisodes leading up to the release of “Padmalotus”, the third album from the Italian Ritual Psychedelic trio NIBIRU, can be seen below. It features the song “Khem”. “Khem means black. As black Kali who cuts heads and adorns herself with skulls, you must sink into total darkness to appreciate the light. You’ll get lost forever in this monumental track – 20 minutes long – that meanders between black metal blasts and melodic mid tempos”, explains the drummer and guitars player Siatris.
The last webisode leading up to the release of “Padmalotus,” the third album from the Italian ritual psychedelic trio Nibiru, can be seen below. This video clip features the ghost track “Lingam,” with the band commenting:
“In Hinduism the lingam is the symbol of the god Shiva and the form in which he is most commonly worshiped. The phallic symbol is the main object of worship in Shaivite temples. This track, born from the eclectic mind of Nibiru, mixes industrial and tribal sounds. Gabriele Oltracqua, singer of Infection Code, Nibiru label mates, is the special guest on this song.”
[youtube id=”Ysf1eq5PimY”]