Mysterious Slovenian Sludge Doomsters BENEATH THE STORM reveal the cover artwork of their highly anticipated third album “Devil’s Village”, a concept on the cult classic horror movie “City of the Dead”. The new song “At the Hour of 13” is the first single from the album and it is a[…]
Today we celebrate other twelve months spent together, with 12 great bands and awesome albums! This new sampler is our gift to thank you for the continued support: DEVOURING THE MOUNTAINS VOL.2 features tons of heavy riffs from our Stoner, Sludge, Doom, Drone, Post Metal roster. FREE DOWNLOAD, make sure[…]
Pharmakon / Pharmakos is the third album by Shabda, a year after the highly acclaimed psychic journey of Tummo. Voluntary hermits established in the rural countryside of Canavese, Piedmont, they fulfill, with this work, a rite of foundation, emanating their blanket of dense droning sound to link distant yet compatible[…]
I’m dead serious when I say you may not hear a better debut album from a new band this year. Most albums, especially debut albums, have a stinker or two and overall display a band in search of their “own sound” but on Kali Yuga, Obese sound like a band that has been[…]
The road of melodic insanity they express through the songs will devour any drop of humanity from the listener, 4 enchanting songs from 12 to 28 minutes of psychedelic sludge filled with suppressed anger and hate towards the self and the cosmos. From Metal Temple
Un disco bellissimo questo “Chapter II”, intelligente, maturo, consapevole e coinvolgente. Una perla per gli appassionati del genere e non solo. From Metalitalia
Tovarish uguale apoteosi. In sostanza il terzetto americano con questo incredibile ed allucinante lavoro intitolato “This Terrible Burden” ci trasporta in un mondo post apocalittico invaso da un sound dark ambient attraverso profusioni post atomiche, rumoristiche e futuriste in grado di trasportare l’ascoltatore in una sorta di parallelismo surreale e[…]
Bantoriak’s debut album – Weedooism – is a very hard one to describe. Parts Stoner, Ambient, Drone and New Age Mysticism. Bantoriak feel like the next evolution of Stoner Rock especially if you’re a fan of OM, Sleep and Black Sabbath. There are not many bands around like Bantoriak as[…]
I was a big fan of this French outfit’s second album,Whispering Wild Stories, which came out over four years ago, back in 2011. Their sound melds the stoner grooves of Fu Manchu with some harsh sludge vocals reminiscent of Eyehategod—and while it sounds like an odd combo at first, it actually[…]
Hailing from Finland, LOWBURN are an impressive band able to blend the pure stoner rock frenzy to the doomier as well as more psychedelic fields. Formed by BATTLELORE members Tomi Mykkänen and Henkka Vahvanen, LOWBURN born as a band since the very first jams, recruiting Miika Kokkola and Tommi Havo (replaced by Tommi Lintunen in the[…]